Wildlife of Normandy
Springtime in the Normandy countryside
April is such a special time in Normandy and this year was no exception.
The weather was beautiful and the primroses were everywhere on the roadside banks with the early orchids and violets and Greater Stitchwort just coming into flower.
The woods were full of wild garlic and the bluebells were a beautiful sight.
We went for a most beautiful and exhilarating walk on the beach at Les Salines and saw a huge flock of Sanderling - over 1000 - feeding on the water's edge, and over 200 Brent geese on the edge of the salt marsh lagoon.
Egrets were also along the water's edge and the Shellducks feeding on the marshes.
Walking along the dunes we were very excited to see the first swallows on their migration route from Africa to the UK. They were flying in ones and twos all in a Northerly direction.
This was about 10 April and they are normally seen in Southern England by 18-20 April, so not long to go!
The song of the larks overhead was amazing. It felt like mid-Summer!
On the dunes we also saw several Wheatears - such beautiful birds - standing proudly on a small mound, and some linnets.
It was too early to see the beautiful yellow wagtails which are a thrill to see in Summer.
Back home in Normandy we heard the first cuckoo in Spring and the local swallows had arrived and were chattering on the telegraph wire and starting to rebuild their nest in the barn.
Spring has certainly arrived.